Devastating flood leaves 417 cities under water in Brazil and how you can help.

The Southern region in Brazil is now under water. It means 150,000 people lost their homes. I saw a two-month-old baby being rescued by a row boat. You and I have no idea of the dimension of this tragedy. Almost 100 deaths, bridges have fallen apart. The international airport is closed and under water. There’s […]

What happens at Romjul, the period between Christmas and New Years’ Eve in Norway? O que é Romjul, logo depois do Natal na Noruega?

Romjul is the week from December 27th til 31st. It’s school break. Only SFO is open. SFO is the recreation time offered to kids from 1st to 4th grade. They stay at school after the regular teaching time. SFO is a social arena where children learn through play. Though it’s not a holiday, many Norwegians […]

50 years since being gay is no longer a crime in Norway.

close up photo of lgbtq letters on a person s hands

2022 in Norway is called “skeivt kulturår” or “skewed cultural year” because of this date. Fifty years ago, in April 1972, section 213 of the Norwegian Penal Code was repealed. The law, informally called as Gay Law, stated that sex between two men was a crime in Norway. In 1978, due to an activist’s efforts, […]

9 unusual Christmas traditions in Norway

I love Christmas time in Norway. The best part to me is the whole season, preparing and waiting for Christmas. Decorating the house, baking gingerbread, the atmosphere is magical. This year it even snowed in Stavanger (very rare), making the julestemningen (Christmas mood) even better. 1.Christmas is a longer season in Norway than in Brazil, […]

Why you and your child should wear reflective vest in Norway. Porque você e seu filho devem usar colete refletor na Noruega.

October 21st is Reflexive Vest Day in Norway. In the Fall, the days get shorter. Sunrise in Stavanger (further South) starts after 8:30 a.m. School starts at 8.15. This means that children have to walk in the dark. People in cars, bicycles and scooters find it difficult to see a child approaching because of their […]

All about birthday parties in Norway. For kids and adults.

The first thing you need to know about birthday parties in Norway is that Norwegians are practical people. They are used to doing things themselves. Therefore they keep it simple. Children’s birthday party. Forget about the big birthday parties for children that look like an amusement park, when parents’ friends are invited and spend a […]

Nature and parks in Stavanger region and why you should visit them.

Luckily, it’s Spring. It means we can spend time outdoors. And we should. Studies have proven that spending time outdoors, preferably in contact with nature, increases the production of our feel good hormones. There are so many advantages (check more here), but the one I’m focusing on now is the possibility to go for a […]

Do you need to change your name to get a job in Norway?

What is your name?Do you like your name? Do people have trouble pronouncing your name in another country?Does it bother you?For some immigrants, it doesn’t matter how others pronounce their name.For me, it does.I’ve read once that “your name is the sweetest sound you’ll ever hear”. My name is my identity. My name is Juliana.Some […]

Why you should have an electric car in Norway in 2021. And road trip tips.

It’s affordable to have electric cars in Norway because of tax reduction. If you buy a normal (diesel, gasoline) car, you pay almost double price because of taxes. I’m happy that Norwegian government gives such incentives. We have an electric car and we are satisfied. We bought it this year thinking about the environment. Electric […]

My List of 10 Best Cafes in Stavanger, Norway, 2022. Minhas 10 Cafeterias favoritas em Stavanger 2022.

I love coffee, capuccino, latte and hot chocolate. Luckily, I’m not alone. Stavanger has a cool cafe culture. A nice cafe to me is a cozy place to enjoy myself alone or in good company. What I appreciate in a cafe is: good coffee (of course), cozy atmosphere, good service, decent toilets. Did you know […]

7 reasons why you should include Lom in your Norwegian trip. 7 razões para incluir Lom, na sua viagem pela Noruega.

Lom is such a lovely town. It’s one of may favorite cities in Norway. Here’s why. Lom (is pronounced Loom) is located in the midst of the highest mountains in Northern Europe. It has only 2347 inhabitants. The city is small and you can park your car and walk downtown. Lom is cut in the […]

Midnight sun in Norway and the solstice celebration. O sol da meia-noite na Noruega e a festa do solstício.

Midnight sun is a natural phenomenon that can be seen in Norway. It means the sun stays above the horizon, and then it rises again. It happens in the Summer, above the Arctic Circle. The cause is the angle of the North Pole toward the Sun. Midnight sun can be seen from 12th of June till […]

What happens at Norway’s National Day? And how this 17th of May 2022 will be back to normal.

17mai, syttende mai, Nasjonaldagen or Grunnlovsdagen as they call it, is biggest day for the Norwegians. It’s the constitution day. I’ve never seen such a beautiful celebration that cherishes the country in a positive and embracing way. It’s so catchy I am glad to have become a part of it. Everybody is welcome. Check my […]

The day I hiked the Pulpit Rock. Preikestolen was a breakthrough experience for me. O dia em que subi a Pedra do Púlpito foi um divisor de águas pra mim.

Pulpit Rock or Preikestolen is one of the most popular rocks in Norway. It has been crowned one of the most spectacular viewpoints by CNN Go and Lonely Planet. The rock is 640 meters over Lysefjord, a beautiful fjord in Norway’s Southwest coast. People from all over the world come specially in the Summer to […]

Quick, easy and delicious recipes for children and adults. Receitas rápidas, fáceis e deliciosas.

As a working mother who came from Brazil to Norway seven years ago, I had to adapt to a new life. Norwegians do everything in the house themselves. Ingen kjære mor (No dear mother) they say. In Brazil we have help to clean, cook, even babysit. Here in Norway, I had to learn how to […]

End-of-season sales in Norway. Are they for real?

Clothes, shoes, decoration objects can be very expensive here in Norway. That’s why end-of-season sales are a great deal. You can find seriously discounted prices. I’ve just bought nice Winter boots for 199 kr. The original price was 500 kr. It’s amazing. My friend from Brazil went crazy here in January. Parents can buy all […]