Watching local tv is a cozy and effective way to improve your Norwegian language skills. Plus we get updated on the the Norwegian society. Be that news, comedy, debates, home improvement, thriller, even reality shows if this is your thing. Add Norwegian subtitles to make it easier to understand while you train your ears. 🙂
When I went to Norwegian language center, my teacher Inger recommended us to watch some typical Norwegian tv shows as an addition to improve our learning. It was difficult for me to understand them at the beginning. I struggled to get what they said and meant. Subtitles help a lot. Have you noticed that they don’t correspond exactly to what people say? They use synonyms instead. I don’t know why. Anyway, nowadays I really enjoy watching Norwegian tv. I actually relax and have fun. Norwegian channels have become my first choice. From political plots to gardening and renovation, you get to know a lot about Norwegian culture.
Here are my 18 best Norwegian TV shows. They are from NRK TV (public broadcaster), TV Norge and TV2. Some of them are from last season, others are new. You can access them all online. Here’s the loooong list to please all personalities and moods.
Hver Gang Vi Møtes.
The best Norwegian singers get together for dinner and sing each other’s songs. It’s so special and cozy. excellent music. Cheerful atmosphere. A must watch. Kurt Nielsen is one fo my favorite singers. He won Idol 2003. I like his strong voice and also his personality in the singing. Check it here.
Team Ingebrigtsen. Family Ingebrigtsen has three elite runners who are trined by their father, the top coach Gjert. Last week, the youngest Jakob, at the age of 20 won a gold medal running 1500m in the Olympic Games in Tokyo. I love to watch the reality show! Airs on NRK, but you can watch also on Youtube with english subtitles. Click here.
Førstegangstjenesten. (Joining for the first time).
Brand new series! Starting this Fall, October 2nd, 2020. I have seen the trailer and it looks so funny! It’s a group of clueless youngsters that start at military academy. Add Norwegian subtitles to make it easier to understand while you train your ears. Check it Here .
Home for Christmas
This is a super cute romantic comedy about a Norwegian doctor who is the only single in her family and wants to bring a boyfriend to Christmas eve. Just like the traditional julekalender (Christmas calendar), each day of December, we join her in her romantic and clumsy adventures. I can’t wait to start season 2. On Netflix. Check Imdb about it here.
This is a must see for immigrants. It’s about a family originally from Iran, with three siblings who were born in Norway, first generation. NRK tv.
It’s a talk show. The host is intelligent, nice and polite. She gives equal opportunities to all her guests. There’s always somebody interesting being interviewed. NRK TV.
Lykkeland (or State of Happiness).
Drama. This tv series is about the period when oil was found in Norway and changed its history. I loved to learn more about old Stavanger (end of 60’s) and how a visionary mayor changed our lives forever by making Stavanger Norway’s oil capital. Actors, text, direction, everything is impressive. Though some Rogaland locals have complained about different dialects spoken in the show. Of course I can’t tell the difference. To me, it was perfect.
Here’s the first season trailer. You’re gonna love it.
Season 2 airing from January 2nd 2022! So exciting! 🤩
Hjemebane (Playing at Home)
This awarded tv series is about a football team and each character has his/her conflicts along with the team’s challenges. I like the fact that the coach is a woman. Very good story, catchy.
Neste Sommer (Next Summer)
Comedy. The plot is about a family that spends their Summer holidays at the cabin on the coast. It’s funny to see Per Ivar getting himself in awkward situations. We see typical Norwegian lifestyle and long for the Summer. TV Norge.
Tid for Hage (Time for Garden)
This is for those who like gardening and it’s a great opportunity to get to know the Norwegian landscaping, the typical plants, and the amazing views and gardens. It’s an inspiration. TV2 channel.
Tid for Hjem (Time for Home)
A variation of Tid for Hage, but it’s inside the houses. A group of cool experts in electricity, carpentry, painting and an architect come to a house to renovate one of the rooms. Normal people send a request for them to come. I love it. You know why? Because you get to see the typical Norwegian houses from inside, the different cities, the solutions they find, sometimes I don’t agree with the after, but it’s always nice to watch. The team is very charismatic. TV2 channel.
God Morgen Norge (Good Morning Norway)
I like the up-to-date themes they discuss, the cooking tips with excellent kokken Wenche, even the scenery and decoration. You just can’t get a better view of the Norwegian culture and everyday life. The presenters are charismatic. TV2. Every morning Mon-Fri.
Nytt på nytt (News in a new way)
It’s a funny way to comment weekly news in Norway and some international. Two guests each week do a kind of play with puns game and funny comments. Some dark humor is allowed. My breakthrough was when I began to understand and laugh at the jokes. I think it helps when you follow the news during the week before the show. It airs on Friday evenings. It’s not that all the shows are awesome, but definitely useful to understand the society and catch up on the weekly news. I liked the one on February 14th. At NRK
TV 2 Hjelper deg (TV 2 Helps you)
A helpful tool to protect us costumers. Fails like overpricing, blocked account with no reply from company responsible, bad quality products, if contractors haven’t delivered what they’d been payed for, whatever reason, you can get their attention, answer and sometimes repair, through TV2 Hjelper Deg (Helps you). The reporters are brave and visit the company’s main office looking for answers. It’s a must see. TV2.
Parterapi (Couple Therapy)
Comedy. Many different couples go to the same therapist and show their weaknesses and weirdnesses. Kevin Vågenes plays a huge range of characters, from a middle aged workaholic man to a young female blogger. I laugh out loud each episode I watch. He is incredibly talented. Now the second season has just started. Enjoy!
I also like Debatten.(Debate).
It’s a show in which different subjects are confronted by opposite points of view. It’s eye opening and very mind broadening as you can see other perspectives. The discussions are in a respectful level. Ideas are presented, not personal attacks. NRK tv.
For children. NRK3 is a tv channel for children. They have good quality shows for kids all age. It’s great to watch for those who are learning Norwegian and you also get to know about the Norwegian culture.
Sommerbåten. (Summer boat).
This is slow tv. It’s an awesome Norwegian show that makes you travel along. It’s a livestream during a boat trip from South to the North of Norway. The cameras on the boat show the landscape as it navigates along Norwegian coast during the Summer. You see the beaches, lighthouses, shores. No comments, no narration and no commercials. That’s the original concept. Does it seam boring to you in this fast modern life? It isn’t. It’s lively and beautiful. You see people waving, holding Norwegian flags. I love it.
This Summer 2020, it was a van instead of boat. A couple is driving throughout Norway. They interview the locals, show their lifestyle and the typical landscapes. There’s humor added this time, as the first presenters were actually a couple, she is pregnant and he makes jokes along the way. They change presenters from time to time. Last week they gave a singer a ride and interviewed him in the van. It’s relaxing, entertaining and 100% Norwegian culture. It’s aired on NRK.
Farmen and 71 Grader Nord.
I’m not a reality show person, but I have seen these two and they do have interesting points. Both show the Norwegian culture. Farmen (TV2) is based on a farm where the participants use only old days tools and utensils to make food, organize themselves, make the farm going. There are competitions and all. 71 Grader Nord (TV Norge) is more hard core as the participants have physical challenges like finding directions hiking up steep mountains and rocks, sleeping in tents.
Have you seen any of these? Which is your favorite? 🙂