Feeling cold for at least nine months a year, Norwegians praise the Summer. I have written on this blog how citizens change humor when it’s Sunny and warm. We can actually see Norwegians smile on the streets. They seem relaxed. I usually say that, in the Summer, hapiness comes for free, as opposed to Winter, when we work hard to feel happy. (Check my ebook How to avoid Winter Depression). Here are three of the most popular ways they enjoy the warmth.
Syden. Do you know what Syden is? Syden means the coast. It means the Southern coast of Europe, by the Mediterranean. Summer in Norway is unpredictable. Sometimes, the warm sun can be accompanied by freezing wind from the North. It can rain for weeks and you may end up with the feeling of waisting your Summer. That’s why, since the 60’s, the Norwegians have spent their Summer holidays at Syden.
Syden envolves: Greece, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Gran Canaria, Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria, Malta, Croatia, Cyprus. Other places have joined the Syden list, among them: Dubai and Thailand.
The criteria to call a place Syden in addition to sun and beach is also: cheap food and drinks, affordable apartments and hotels. An average Norwegian citizen has enough money to travel to Syden, where the temperatures are warm, the weather is dry and the fun is guaranteed. Some places in Greece are so popular among Norwegians that they have bars with Norwegian names. This Summer 2022, there’s been a crisis due to huge demand of passport renewing in Norway. Too many people and too little capacity. In order not to lose income from these tourists, the Greek authorities have decided to accept tourists from Norway with expired passport.
Sørlandet. The South of Norway is known for most “guaranteed” warm and dry Summer. There are cool music festivals, attractions for children, water parks, nice beaches. Boats are popular among Norwegians. Sørlandet is the favorite destiny for Norwegian boat owners. Kristiansand is the capital of the South area. The city is beautiful and full of attractions for young and old. In the South, there are charming small towns with Cafés, shops, beaches, very lively in the Summer. Places I recommend: Arendal, Lindesnes, Mandal. Check the map and choose your destination.
Hytte. Cabin culture is strong in Norway. Not only in the Winter. Summer cabins are usually by the water: sea, lake or river. Check my post about cabin culture. Norwegians usually inherit cabins from their parents and grandparents. Some people buy new cabins. Some people rent cabins. Contact with nature is relaxing and almost mandatory if you live in Norway. Enjoy!
In the city. If you’re staying in a big city, there are parks and/or beaches to enjoy, museums for rainy days and much more. Would you like precise tips adjusted for you? News coming! Subscribers will know first and get advantages. Click and subscribe. For daily tips and updates on life in Norway, follow my Instagram .
No matter where you’re going, enjoy the Summer!! While it lasts.
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