Nature and parks in Stavanger region and why you should visit them.

Luckily, it’s Spring. It means we can spend time outdoors. And we should. Studies have proven that spending time outdoors, preferably in contact with nature, increases the production of our feel good hormones. There are so many advantages (check more here), but the one I’m focusing on now is the possibility to go for a […]

My unpredictable/awkward first time camping in Norway. A primeira vez que acampei na Noruega e suas imprevisibilidades.

Contact with nature is a part of the Norwegian lifestyle. Like I said on previous posts, Norwegians appreciate fresh air and go hiking frequently. The kids spend a lot of time outdoors and so do the adults. I’d say half of my Norwegian friends have gone camping (including my husband). My wish to go camping […]

Have you ever bathed in a Norwegian lake or fjord? Já nadou nos lagos e fiordes da Noruega?

It’s Summer in Norway. The sun is warm, there’s no wind, sea water temperature is at its highest (20C). As a result: All Norway bathes. I live in Stavanger, which is located at the Southwest coast of Norway. The whole West coast has beautiful beaches, both open sea and in the fjords. The water is […]

7 reasons why you should include Lom in your Norwegian trip. 7 razões para incluir Lom, na sua viagem pela Noruega.

Lom is such a lovely town. It’s one of may favorite cities in Norway. Here’s why. Lom (is pronounced Loom) is located in the midst of the highest mountains in Northern Europe. It has only 2347 inhabitants. The city is small and you can park your car and walk downtown. Lom is cut in the […]

Midnight sun in Norway and the solstice celebration. O sol da meia-noite na Noruega e a festa do solstício.

Midnight sun is a natural phenomenon that can be seen in Norway. It means the sun stays above the horizon, and then it rises again. It happens in the Summer, above the Arctic Circle. The cause is the angle of the North Pole toward the Sun. Midnight sun can be seen from 12th of June till […]

Driving in Norway. Rules and social codes. Dirigindo na Noruega. Regras e condutas sociais.

These Summer holidays, most locals will take road trips in Norway. I love it because the Norwegian landscape is amazing, breathtaking from North to South. Before you hit the road, it’s useful to know a few rules for driving in Norway. When driving in Norway, you’re expected to follow the rules, stop at the pedestrian […]

Rjukan: mirrors that brought the sunlight to the city and WWII history. A cidade norueguesa que construiu espelhos pra trazer o sol.

Last year, we visited Rjukan, a city with historical importance from World War II and the extravagant mirrors. It’s much more than a typical cute Norwegian city with a beautiful landscape. Rjukan is located in a deep valley called Vestfjord, in Telemark. The city is surrounded by steep mountains. In the Winter, the sunlight doesn’t […]

Fish and seafood dishes in Norway: from traditional cod fillets to caviar in a toothpaste tube. Os peixes da Noruega e a praticidade dos preparos.

Do you like to eat fish? Then this post is for you. Norway is rich in both ocean and fresh water fish. You’ve probably heard of the most famous Norwegian fish: cod. If you ask a Brazilian person what comes to their mind when we say Norway, the answer will be: bacalhau! It means dry […]