The new “normal” life in Norway and Summer 2020. A nova vida “normal” na Noruega e as férias de julho.

We have gone through many changes since the lockdown was implemented in Norway, in March 12th. At first, it was a shock. This invisible enemy made us act weird. I had panic when I needed to do grocery shopping. Then my husband got in charge for such errands. It’s been almost three months and we […]

Tips for raising bilingual children, part II. Dicas boas para você que tem crianças bilíngues.

I have already mentioned the advantages of bilingualism and how you can manage to speak your mother tongue at home with your children. Now I have some more tips when it comes to reading books. If you have missed the step one, please check here: When I do bed time with my child, if […]

What happens at Norway’s National Day? And how this 17th of May 2022 will be back to normal.

17mai, syttende mai, Nasjonaldagen or Grunnlovsdagen as they call it, is biggest day for the Norwegians. It’s the constitution day. I’ve never seen such a beautiful celebration that cherishes the country in a positive and embracing way. It’s so catchy I am glad to have become a part of it. Everybody is welcome. Check my […]

Easter 2020. Tips (and reasons) to cheer yourself up during Corona crisis.

Norwegians have a reason to cheer themselves up this Easter. It seems that we’re beginning to control the spreading of Corona virus in Norway. Statistics show that one person infected is transmitting to 0,70 person. The number of people hospitalized with Covid-19 has declined drastically. It doesn’t mean we should forget all the safety instructions, […]

How is Corona quarantine affecting our friendships?

Our new home office + home schooling everyday takes time, organization, strategy, emotional intelligence. Some of us try to find time to exercise, cook, clean, wash, date. Is there any time left for our friends? What about those who don’t have children or even a partner? Physical and social distancing can affect our mental health. […]

Interview with Jaqueline Olsen from ALBA Rogaland.

I love to interview amazing immigrants like Jaqueline Olsen. She is Brazilian and is chair for ALBA Rogaland, a non profitable association for Portuguese speaking immigrants in Rogaland state. ALBA has hosted events like Brazilian Carnival for children, Independence Day with typical Brazilian and Portuguese food, Children’s Day and Christmas party, among many others. I […]

Entrevista com a Jaqueline Olsen, presidente da ALBA Rogaland.

Eu adoro entrevistar imigrantes incríveis e bem-sucedidas como a Jaqueline Olsen. Ela é brasileira, mora na mesma cidade que eu e é presidente da ALBA, Associação que reune imigrantes cuja língua materna é a Língua Portuguesa. A ALBA promove eventos como carnaval das crianças, festa junina, Natal, festival de comidas típicas, corrida, quase todas voltadas […]