Norwegians have a reason to cheer themselves up this Easter. It seems that we’re beginning to control the spreading of Corona virus in Norway. Statistics show that one person infected is transmitting to 0,70 person. The number of people hospitalized with Covid-19 has declined drastically. It doesn’t mean we should forget all the safety instructions, on the contrary. Cultural and sports arrengements are still prohibited.
Prime minister Erna Solberg held a speech on Tuesday, 7th and thanked all citizens for being committed to the government’s measures to avoid spreading of Corona virus. In her words: the lockdown restrictions “have demanded a lot from everyone” and “changed the way we live our lives” in a “drastic” manner. She announced that now that the situation is under control, there will be a careful reopening of kindergartens (20th of April) and schools (1st to 4th grades) from April 27th.
So, this year, we still can’t go to the cabin on Easter, BUT we can go there from the 20th, IF it’s necessary. She’s asking all of us to be reasonable. The reopening must be done carefully and thoughtfully. Otherwise, if numbers rise again, there will be closing immediately.
As many of you know by now, I’m an optimist. I don’t believe that good solutions and happiness come from being pessimist, and complaining won’t beat the virus. Big variety of researches back me up.
That said, Let’s have cozy moments on Easter time. I have a few suggestions and a surprise at the end.
Decoration. Bring all yellow you have to life. Table cloths, napkins, cups, bed linens, clothes, scarfs, socks. Yellow flowers are blooming everywhere here in Stavanger. Bring light to your life. Yellow is the color of Easter for Norwegians. Like I said on the last post It’s a very cheerful color. Test it and tell me.
In Norway, it’s allowed to go for a walk with our children. So make the best of it. Bring bikes and toys, good food, wear appropriate clothes, spend more time outside in contact with nature. It’s relaxing and at the same time children spend energy.
Crime books. Even though it’s not my favorite kind, I’m quite interested in the one I’m currently reading. You know what? It’s good to keep your mind on something else for a change. We can give ourselves a little break from Corona virus and home office stuff. Books take us far away, which we physically can’t right now.
Films. I’d go for some classic films, like the Bodyguard, also Notting Hill and Eat, Pray, Love (I can’t get enough of Julia Roberts), The Wizard of Oz (family film), and on Norwegian tv right now, I like Heksejakt (suspense).
For children.
Make Easter chicks and bunnies. All you need is pencils and crayons or paint, scissors, glue, yellow cardboard or just white sheets of paper, etc. Alternative is toilet paper roll. To make a nest, you need a piece of wood, twigs or straw, hammer and nails. I have some pictures to show, but there’s all kinds of tutorials on Youtube. The important is to have fun together with your little ones.
Games like Mikado, Alias, Master mind, chess, twist. Chairs dance, karaoke, treasure hunt, detective, hide and seek.
Yes. Like I promised, here’s my contribution for you to get yourself integrated in the Norwegian culture. Quizes are a must here in Norway. I’ve just made two for you. Enjoy 😉
For the youngest children
- How many pairs of legs does a crab have?
- What’s the name of Captain Hook’s assistant in Peter Pan?
- Who is Donald Duck’s girlfriend?
- What do cows drink?
- Which month has less than 30 days?
- What is the name of Fantorangen’s best friend?
- In which country is located the Eiffel Tower?
- Which animal lives in Australia and eats eucalyptus leaves?
- In which season of the year can you see the Midnight Sun?
- What gets more wet the more you dry it?
Testing your knowledge about Norway
- How many people live in Norway?
- In which fjord is located the Pulpit Rock/Preikestolen?
- Which region of Norway has a famous zoo called Dyreparken?
- Which countries border Norway?
- What is the name of Stavanger’s mayor?
- Where does Erna Solberg come from?
- What does NAV stand for?
- How many children do Tone and Gjert Ingebritsen have?
- In which month do kids sing Santa Lucia at kindergarten?
- What’s Norwegians favorite fruit on Easter time?
Answers 1)5 pairs of legs 2)Mr. Smith 3)Daisy 4)Water 5)February 6)Eddie 7)France 8)Koala bears 9)Summer 10)Ice 1)5 million 2)Lysefjord 3) Sørlandet 4)Sweden, Russland, Finland. 5)Kari Nessa Nordtun 6)Bergen 7)Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration 8)7 9)Dezember 10)Oranges
All very good. Congratulations.
Thanks 😊❤️