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I love Tromsø in the Winter and in the Summer.

Tromsø is the most populous city in the North of Norway, above the Arctic circle. Though it’s a small town, there’s something special about Tromsø. It’s a charming place rich in history, good restaurants and Cafes, cultural life, sports events, and of course, much tourism year round.

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There are direct flights to Tromsø from Bergen, Trondheim, Oslo.

Tromsø is a cultural center for its region. Both in the Winter and Summer there are film festivals and sports events like marathons.

My first trip to Tromsø was in July 2013. We wanted to see the midnight sun. See post about Midnight Sun here.

The Midnight Sun Half Marathon was taking place exactly on the weekend we were there. We saw runners from all over the world. See my picture below.

Midnight sun marathon
International film festival

In the Winter. From Tromsø’s surroundings it’s possible to see the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis in the Winter. There are numerous tours to take like: dog sledding, whale watching, Aurora chasing. See post about Winter activities here.

Winter in Tromsø is high season. It’s possible to spot the Northern Lights from early September until early April. There’s a lot of snow and if you are lucky and the sky is clear, you can see Aurora dancing in the sky. Check my first experience with the Northern Lights here:

Nowadays there are immigrants from diverse places on Earth living in Tromsø. This Winter, I visited two churches there. At the catholic church I saw many ethnicities at the mass. We came right after Sunday’s mass and we were promptly welcomed by the priest and invited to join them all. The atmosphere was warm and inclusive.

To me Tromsø is like a cozy small town, charming both in the Summer and in the Winter. There are good hotels and restaurants. It’s a city prepared for receiving many tourists every year. It’ s very organized and service is usually top quality. There are many tours you can take from Tromsø: boat tour to see whales, husky sledge to see Aurora Borealis, bus tour to find Aurora, lunch at Sami (native Norwegian people) village and reindeer feeding are some examples. My friend Carol has been to all of these and her group was positively impressed with both the organization and the nature wonders.

Would you like to learn more about Tromsø? Here are some cool possibilities: unlimited kindle first moth for free, and books like

One of my favorite activities in Tromsø is walking downtown and spending time outside, relaxing, watching people go by, trying new beverages like non-alcoholic gløgg from a kiosk, feeling the atmosphere.

Have you been to Tromsø or do you plan on going? I’d love to see your comment.

All pictures are mine, except the cover one.

Você já ouviu falar de Tromsø? Pronuncia-se Trumsa, mais ou menos. Fica acima do Círculo Polar Ártico, ao Norte da Noruega. É uma cidade charmosa, rica em história, em bons restaurantes e cafeterias, eventos culturais, observação da natureza, muito popular tanto no inverno como no verão. Eu já estive lá em ambas ocasiões.

No verão, Tromsø é um bom lugar para se observar o sol da meia-noite. Isso quer dizer que o sol nunca se põe. Turistas do mundo todo visitam a cidade e também participam de atividades como maratona do sol da meia-noite. Tem também o jardim botânico e oceanários, museus mostrando como os antigos navegadores e exploradores viviam, até mesmo fofos leões marinhos ao vivo nadando no aquário gigante. O lugar é um convite ao contato com a natureza.

No inverno, o programa imbatível é ver a Aurora Boreal. Várias empresas de turismo se especializaram nessa atividade, e também observação de baleias no mar, passeio de trenó puxado por cães, alimentar renas e visitar os nativos Sami. Veja post sobre essas atividades aqui.

Passear pelo centro de Tromsø é algo que eu adoro!! Em qualquer época do ano. A atmosfera é sempre agradável, aconchegante. Apesar de pequena, Tromsø acolhe imigrantes de várias partes do mundo. Uma boa surpresa foi visitar a igreja católica. O padre era imigrante também. Visitar o menor bar do mundo também foi bacana. Aconselho provar o quentão sem álcool norueguês, chamado gløgg.

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Todas as fotos são minhas, exceto a da capa.

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