Hi everybody! I’m very happy. Since last post about Tromsø, many of you have asked me for more information about the tours. So I’m going to give you some more taste of this amazing place and all excitement you can get there.
It’s important to wear scarf, hat, wool socks and gloves or mittens. You can buy wool base layer top and pants at any sports stores. They are essential. If you have ski or waterproof pants, put them on.
Don’t worry, you won’t freeze.
Those tours provide you with overalls and boots. You feel like you live inside a bear. They know their business and they are good at it. The only tour that didn’t provide overalls was the reindeer’s. You can ask them before you book it. There’s always a fire, warm beverages and food.
The tour companies are professional and care for our safety. They always give instructions. Just do as they say. And most important: show up on time at the given place. Plan ahead how long it’s gonna take you to walk from your hotel. Be reachable by email or mobile. The companies call you to ask practical questions in order to organize the tour.
Northern Lights Chase
Believe me: they will bend over backwards to make your dream come true. I was impressed when my friend told me they had driven the bus all the way from Tromsø to Finland in order to find a clearer sky and see the Northern Lights. It’s a serious business in Tromsø. They make adjustments according to the weather to make it possible for you to see Aurora Borealis. That’s why some tours take so many hours (7 to 9). If you are going to be there just for a few days, it may be worthy to book such a tour and maximize your chances.
Dog sledding
This tour is so much fun! I totally recommend it. There are many companies that provide this ride. The activities vary and so does the time. It can take 4, 7, 9 , 12 hours. All combinations are possible: during the day, in the evening, even camping. The bus takes the tourists to a farm, you go dog sledding, have dinner and go back to the hotel or go camping there. As I said before, I recommend this tour. The whole activity is awesome! You can admire the sky and see the Northern Lights while husky sledding. As we had small children with us, we chose the 4-hour tour that accepts children from the age of four. We were so positively impressed that I am glad to mention the company’s name here https://villmarkssenter.no/ The dinner was delicious. We had bacalao, which is the traditional torsk (cod fish) stew in tomato sauce. Check my other post https://makingnorwaymyhome.com/the-day-i-saw-the-northern-lights/
Reindeer feeding and sledding
Tourists go to a Sami farm. Samis are the native Norwegians. They speak their own language and keep their traditions. Norwegian law protects them. Many of them live in Oslo, though. At the farm, you learn about the Sami culture, they sing beautiful typical songs (remember that first song on Frozen? It’s Sami’s.) They are very attentive. One of the guides was keen on teaching roping to our kid.
Whale watching
It’ s boat tour that happens even in the Winter. You learn more about the whales’ way of living and get to see many of them who swim along the boat. It looks like they are greeting us. Very exciting.
It all boils down to a wonderful close-to-nature experience that can change your life or at least the way you see our world.
There’s more information on Tromsø’s official website https://www.visittromso.no/
Would you like to share your experience in Tromsø here with me? Please feel free to write your comments. 🙂