Do you feel less energy in the Winter? Is it more difficult to wake up in the morning? Do you feel less motivated? Even sad? Bored with bad weather, cold and darkness? Then this post is for you.
To add up, this Winter 2020/21 is going to be even more challenging in Norway and the whole world because of Covid-19 pandemic. Social distancing can affect many people negatively, bringing bad thoughts, sadness, lack of motivation, even depression. And a long, cold, dark Winter won’t make it easier.
On my first Winter in Norway, in 2013/14, I felt sad “for no reason” for the first time in my life. The reason was lack of sunlight. Coming from Sunny Brazil, I had no idea what it was and how harmful it can be. It took me a while to identify the reason, and some time to find the right tools to fight it.
Days are shorter, darker, even when the sun is out in a clear sky (scarce in Stavanger) it is low in the horizon. We hardly ever see our neighbors, as everybody hides at home. It is documented that lack of sun can produce chemical effects in our brain. That can trigger even depression. See my post about emotional effects of Norwegian Winter here.
The famous Christmas party that companies used to arrange, called “Julebord” is cancelled this year. People are strongly advised to stay and work from home. Sports arrangements for adults are canceled as well. Elders don’t get as much visit as before. Face masks must be worn.
Enough about the negative. Let’s focus on what we can do to avoid the sadness. We can’t change the weather but we can change how we think and behave. It’s time to be creative and prepared. Do it now, before you find yourself in the middle of January, struggling with strong winds and ice, with two identical months ahead of you. On November 28th, I’ll be having a webinar on Facebook about it. I’ll be explaining positive mindset with practical exercises. Check event page here.
Norwegians’ favorite verb is: å kose seg. It means to get cozy. They are absolutely right. If we focus on getting cozy, we can trigger our feel good hormones, bring joy. Each person has his/her own personality, interests. This is the result of my research, and what works for me. For it to work for you, you need to practice them at least a whole month.
1.Lights on! The best way to fight darkness is to bring light. Use your fireplace, light candles, artificial candles, turn on the lights. This way we make it cozy.
Enjoy every ray of sun that comes trough your window. Just sit by the window and let the warmth and brightness benefit your body and soul.
I learned something new this year from a Brazilian friend who lives farther North in Norway: use lights that imitate sunlight. I checked it with my doctor and she said the effect is proved. We have it on our kitchen table. I feel the light as I make dinner, or when we have our breakfast. It prepares us for the day, gives us energy. I have just started to use it. So far soooo good. 🙂
This is the lamp I have. I’ve been using it for a week. What a difference!! I feel much more energy and enthusiasm. My husband has noticed and is impressed. He’s decided to use it too.
2.Find a purpose. Find a reason to wake up every day. It can be a different reason each time. Before you open your eyes in the morning, smile and imagine yourself happy. Then think of a goal you have that day. Learn 5 new Norwegian verbs? Organize your closet?
Do you live with your family? Be grateful and focus on them too. Make something special for your beloved ones, even those who live far away. Make a surprise card, have a video call, send cute messages. If I can make a video call with my 100-year-old grandmother in Belo Horizonte, you can too. Making someone happy will make you happy. Guaranteed.
I suggest you make a julekalender (Christmas calendar) in December. Norwegians usually buy calendar with super cute small windows. From December 1st until the 24th, each day, when you wake up in the morning, open one window. Inside there can be candies, small books, make-up, stationary, chocolate, gingerbread cookies, you name it. We can make one ourselves too.
Another suggestion is to change the decoration. You don’t need to buy expansive furniture: rearrange the ones you already have. Paint a wall in vivid color.
3. Music! Sing and move your body. Even if the gyms do get closed (I hope not), we can exercise at home. In the lockdown in March, I did ballet fitness, yoga, pilates, Zumba online. If we are focused and find the right guidance, you can benefit even if you don’t have equipment. We Brazilians love to dance, and we do that for no reason, anytime. Put on some good music and dance! You can find my playlist called Winter Joy, on Spotify. Check it here. It’s a mix of international and Brazilian music that bring me joy. You can create your own playlist too. And sing!! When was the last time you sang a whole song? Don’t you feel like singing? Try it anyway. Please do. Sometimes we forget to sing. Singing can send a message to our brain that we are well.
4. Bake. Gingerbread smell spreads throughout the house and brings this cozy effect. Boller too (Norwegian sweet breads). See my recipe here . Bread. If I learned how to bake these boller, there’s hope for you. I was raised having someone cook for us. In Rio, it was so easy to go to restaurants, I never really dig into learning how to cook. Only as a married adult, in Stavanger, I felt the urge to learn. Nowadays, I enjoy it and I am proud of my risotto. 🙂 Just make youtube your best friend.
5. Go for a walk. I know, I don’t mean with strong winds and pouring rain. I mean don’t wait for the weather to be perfect because it can take weeks. Get appropriate clothes and get out of the house a little. Fresh air has magical effects on us, both physical and mental. Contact with nature lowers our stress level and anxiety. Fortunately, in Norway, there’s nature everywhere. Post on appropriate clothes here.
6. Check your vitamins level. I always start to take vitamin D and Omega 3 every year in November, as my levels tend to plunge. I ask my doctor for a check up just to make sure I am all set for the Winter. Be sure you take good care of your health. Sleep well. Follow a routine. Wake up, have breakfast, etc, at the same time every day.
7. Meditation. Positive effects of meditation deserve a whole post.There are several meditation courses and techniques. If you are a newbie, I suggest you sit in a comfortable position, in a quiet place, close your eyes. For the next ten minutes, you’re gonna pay attention only to your breathing. Don’t need to interfere with it. Just observe as you breathe in and out. Thoughts may come to your mind. It’s ok. Don’t follow them. Let they come and go. At the end of ten minutes, observe how you felt.
8. Gratitude. Find four reasons to be grateful every day. If you are reading this post, you are alive and you have eyes. Be grateful for that. And internet. If someone is reading it for you, you have ears. And someone to who cares. Be grateful.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to have this blog so that I can help others avoid the sadness I had in 2013.
9. Good movies and tv series. It’s cold and dark. Awesome season to watch catchy movies with your beloved ones, even alone. Here is my list of best Norwegian tv shows.
10. Pamper yourself. Give yourself foot massage, hand massage. Take a long warm shower. Wear nice clothes even if you’re just staying home. When was the last time you wore perfume at home? Give yourself the best treatment.
Please share this post so that more people can benefit and prepare for the Corona Winter 2020.
And let me know how it worked out for you.
If you’d like more tips, check my post from last Winter here .
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