Rjukan: mirrors that brought the sunlight to the city and WWII history. A cidade norueguesa que construiu espelhos pra trazer o sol.

Last year, we visited Rjukan, a city with historical importance from World War II and the extravagant mirrors. It’s much more than a typical cute Norwegian city with a beautiful landscape. Rjukan is located in a deep valley called Vestfjord, in Telemark. The city is surrounded by steep mountains. In the Winter, the sunlight doesn’t […]

What to do in Winter holidays? Nice tips for those who will spend Vinterferie at home.

Winter holidays in Norway usually take place in January or February. It’s a week when schools are closed and families go to the mountains to ski and enjoy the Winter. Everybody is longing for sun and snow. Even when the weather is terrible, it’s good to have a break from work and relax at the […]