What happens at Norway’s National Day? And how this 17th of May 2022 will be back to normal.

17mai, syttende mai, Nasjonaldagen or Grunnlovsdagen as they call it, is biggest day for the Norwegians. It’s the constitution day. I’ve never seen such a beautiful celebration that cherishes the country in a positive and embracing way. It’s so catchy I am glad to have become a part of it. Everybody is welcome. Check my […]

20 friends, 50 people in a public event, full school reopening. Comments on the Norwegian government’s announcement today.

Norwegian tv has just aired Prime Minister and members of Health, Education, Culture and Sports sectors’ speech. Our prime minister Erna Solberg has thanked all population for following strictly the safety rules to avoid spreading of Corona virus. Because of the low rate of sick people with Covid-19, the government believes that Norwegian society is […]

Can my child play with a friend during quarantine? How should we behave outdoors? Norwegian authorities’ recommendations.

We’re living weird times. Covid-19 Pandemic demands social isolation on all population. There’s special concern about the effects of social isolation on children. With regard to children’s need to play with other children, the Norwegian authorities have written recommendations about playtime for children and teenagers: Each child can have 1 or 2 children to play […]

How is Corona quarantine affecting our friendships?

Our new home office + home schooling everyday takes time, organization, strategy, emotional intelligence. Some of us try to find time to exercise, cook, clean, wash, date. Is there any time left for our friends? What about those who don’t have children or even a partner? Physical and social distancing can affect our mental health. […]