We’re living weird times. Covid-19 Pandemic demands social isolation on all population.
There’s special concern about the effects of social isolation on children. With regard to children’s need to play with other children, the Norwegian authorities have written recommendations about playtime for children and teenagers:
- Each child can have 1 or 2 children to play with. And hold to the same group during the whole quarantine period.
- They should play outdoors rather than indoors.
- Avoid crowded playgrounds.
- Keep a distance from each other (preferably 2 meters).
- Birthday parties should be postponed.
- Sleepovers should be restricted during this period of Corona quarantine.
- Wash your hands often (before, during and after playtime) and cough only on your arms.
- Children with flu or respiratory symptoms must stay home. They can have contact with other kids only through internet or telephone., video calls, etc. Also those whose parents are divorced should remain at the same house until one day after the symptoms are gone.
When preparing our children to meet other children, I believe it’s important to talk to them and set expectations BEFORE we go out, prepare them for the activity. This way, we avoid scaring them and saying all the time: “Don’t hug”, “You’re too close”, “Don’t touch his bike”, etc. Here in Norway we’re lucky because it’s still kind of cold so we wear gloves and jackets on a daily basis.
Recommendations also for adults.
Going for a walk is a traditional and healthy habit Norwegians have. I’m very grateful that we are able to do it during Corona quarantine. Those who are healthy and don’t have any symptoms, can go for a walk, but with some recommendations that the government’s official website has published:
- The goal is to keep a distance. That’s why it’s not recommended to go more that 5 people in a same group, unless they belong to the same family. Also avoid walking the same paths as everybody else at the same time. Choose different times of the day for your activity.
- Everybody should keep a distance (2 meters) from each other.
- The activity should last only a short period of time (2 hours).
The reason for these recommendations is that the closer and longer people are together, the higher is the risk for contamination.
Also useful guidance about how to tell your children about Corona virus:
Don’t stress the children unnecessarily. Coughing and sneezing are normal.
The disease is serious, but we are well prepared here in Norway.
Remember that small children are full of imagination. Be concrete when explaining about the situation.
It’s important to listen to the child and let her/him finish speaking.
More information on the Norwegian government’s official website https://www.regjeringen.no/en/topics/koronavirus-covid-19/id2692388/
Very good.
😊 Thank you ❤️