Fish and seafood dishes in Norway: from traditional cod fillets to caviar in a toothpaste tube. Os peixes da Noruega e a praticidade dos preparos.

Do you like to eat fish? Then this post is for you. Norway is rich in both ocean and fresh water fish. You’ve probably heard of the most famous Norwegian fish: cod. If you ask a Brazilian person what comes to their mind when we say Norway, the answer will be: bacalhau! It means dry […]

The reason why I wanted a bunad (Norway’s national costume).

I like tradition. The first time I saw the Norwegian costumes was my first May 17th here, at the celebration of the National Day in Norway. We went downtown in Stavanger to see the big parade. I saw Norwegians, men and women, wearing beautiful bunad (national costume). Each color and embroidery represents the region where […]

Why I’ve made Stavanger my home. It is much more than the Norwegian oil capital.

Stavanger is located at the Southwest coast of Norway. The city grew immensely after Norway’s blooming offshore oil industry in the late 60’s and 70’s. It’s today an international city, with almost 140.000 inhabitants. More than 10% of Stavanger population represents foreigners; mainly Polish and British. Stavanger is more than the Norwegian oil capital. It […]