How to find our inner balance during quarantine? The importance of ME time.

Covid-19 pandemic has changed our lives drastically. These times of insecurity and lack of control affect us all and may bring anxiety, impatience, quarrels and instability to our relationships. Admit that we can’t control Corona crisis. (It also works for all kinds of anxiety). Once we admit it to ourselves, we are not stuck on […]

How is Corona quarantine affecting our friendships?

Our new home office + home schooling everyday takes time, organization, strategy, emotional intelligence. Some of us try to find time to exercise, cook, clean, wash, date. Is there any time left for our friends? What about those who don’t have children or even a partner? Physical and social distancing can affect our mental health. […]

Can Corona virus cause divorce boom in Norway? Here are some relationship survival tips.

Some Norwegian psychologists are beginning to wonder what effects the lockdown can do to marriages. Statistics show that in China, the number of divorces has increased drastically after Corona quarantine. It’s more common among young impulsive couples. Some of them regret after filling for divorce. Living with someone has its challenges. Now during quarantine, we […]