Last week a tv commercial of an airline company stated that nothing is typical scandinavian, we brought it all from traveling abroad. The protests were so many and so strong that they had to delete the commercial.
I’m sorry to hear that some persons can react so violently against some other point of view. Personally, I wouldn’t care much about such commercial.
To me, Norwegians are wonderful people who are interested and curious about other cultures. People who like to travel abroad (specially to South of Europe in the Summer) and have imported some foreign habits.
Many Norwegians have Taco as their favorite Friday dinner. Why not? Taco is delicious and you can eat in so many variants.
Halloween has been more popular in Norway in the past years. Why not? Most children like to wear costumes and use imagination. Being able to “scare” adults gives them a kind of power they get to feel once a year. Children get together in groups and walk around the neighborhood in the sad, dark, cold and wet October. It’s something fun to look forward and to do.
Valentine’s Day comes from USA. Saying to someone that you love him/her and be romantic, receive flowers or cards. Why not?
Democracy came from ancient Greece. Discussions and debates (like we see in Norway) with respect and opportunities for everyone to express their opinion. What’s wrong with that? Do we need to be the first to invent something in order to make good use of it?
Who thinks Brazil is only one thing? We are a mix of African, Portuguese, Japanese, Italian, German, Lebanese, Turk, Syrian, Polish, South American immigrants. And we have become the most smiling people on Earth. Our dances are varied and yet unique. Our food came from natives and immigrants. Yet we are strong people whose mixture of races has made our DNA so specific that scientists have trouble decoding.
To me, typical Norwegian is:
Speak little, save words, say Mmm when you agree. Look in the eyes when talking to each other. Help each other, think collective instead of putting yourself first all the time (Oil money is invested in welfare). Brown cheese, salmon, cod fish, ski, boller (kind of sweet bread more delicious than donuts), contact with nature, going out regardless of the weather, and much more.
Yes, I have fallen in love with Norway. Yes, Norway is unique and what I love the most about it is its respect for human life and for our differences.
Let’s keep it this way and help others do the same.
After Santos Dumont Earth became smaller and the mixture of races , cultures and languages spread increasingly . Even before airplanes, people traveled abroad , on boats and ships trying to find different people and cultures , which made the mixture we are used to see in our days.
It’s impossible to have a completely pure culture or race , but many things contribute to make one place unique, like the climate and geography of each country.
So true. Thank you so much for your comment, Rosa. 😊
Exactly! Thank you so much for your comment, Rosa Maria. 😊
Very good . It’s very important that we accept different opinions.
That’s right. I saw recently a Ted Talks’ speech about how to argue wisely and respectfully. Thanks a lot for your comment, Marco Antônio. 😊