It’s a very sad and delicate subject, but I felt like I needed to express what I think may help many people not to commit suicide. It’s my opinion, based on my life experience and what I have studied about human beings and psychology.
A recent suicide episode shocked Norway this year on Christmas day. After that, many questions were asked. Why did he do that? What leads a person to take his/her own life? Is it possible to prevent them from doing it?
We don’t know yet for sure those answers. The fact is that suicide kills six times more people in Norway than car accidents. It is a serious and sad statistic.
Maybe the dark weather, long nights contribute for many to feel sad and trigger depression.
I saw many posts on social media, encouraging people to talk to someone when they feel bad, lonely, etc. You can call Red Cross and other institutions.
When I was preparing for a role at the theater as a psychologist, I studied Lacan, Freud and psychology in general. I read many cases and how therapy has helped many people. I also interviewed a former patient and was happy and impressed to hear how effective therapy was for her. Depression is a serious illness and should never be underestimated. It is more than sadness and requires professional help.
One step that may help prevent depression levels from increasing is to encourage society not to pretend that life is like a Facebook picture: perfect and happy. If you are not alright you shouldn’t hide it from others, specially from yourself. You shouldn’t be ashamed to admit that something is wrong. If our society could deal better with unhappy moments we all have, maybe those under pressure could feel more comfortable to seek help.
The best thing is to deal with it, find specialized, prepared, experienced professionals that are able to help you find the reason and be better.
That is the point. Good professionals are crucial for a good treatment and positive outcome. My suggestion is for Norway to invest in the formation and development of our psychologists. More investments in the quality of the studies they take. In addition, some campaigns to reduce prejudice against therapy. I’ve noticed that many Norwegians think therapy is for crazy people. In Brazil, it was like that some years ago. Fortunately, it’s becoming more known and used. It’s actually a way to get to know yourself, how your mind works, why some things that happened in the past have affected you and the way you react to frustration, painful experiences and sadness.
To sum up, I have lost a childhood friend and a second cousin who committed suicide. I really hope there’s a way to prevent more tragedies from happening. I believe that therapy is a possible way of preventing people who are depressed or bipolar from committing suicide. I hope that mentality can change in our society so that more people feel comfortable seeking professional good quality help.
Very important things. They may
help many people.
Thank you very much, Marco Antonio. I hope so.
I could not agree more! I wish the Norwegian health system could use more psychology and less psychiatric medication to treat depression and other diagnoses. It is well documented that these medications can actually be the cause of many of the cases of suicide. And as for us, we just have to look around and pay attention to our loved ones! Be good to each other!
Thank you so much for your comment, Martha.
In my opinion, the only way to prevent suicidal thoughts and deep sad feelings is to search for the meaning of life . Many times one can need help to find it.
Yes, indeed. I believe that therapy can help a person to find himself/herself, deal with their shadows and be happier. Thank you very much for your input, Rosa Maria.
A very delicate and relevant topic Juliana, we all have a story within our social network related to suicide. Like you point out, people have to let others know they need help, admit it and not be ashamed. It is usually the family and friends who don’t see it coming. We all need to increase our awareness. I agree professional help is essential!