Can these Summer holidays in Norway be safe from Corona virus? My impression. Minha impressão sobre as férias de verão na Noruega quanto às medidas de proteção do Corona vírus.

We’ve been driving in the Southwest, East, and middle of Norway. Since July 15th, 2020, this country is open for visitors from other European countries. Our low rates of Corona virus have made Norway one of the safest places to visit this Summer. Is it really possible to have a Corona-free trip and keep it […]

7 reasons why you should include Lom in your Norwegian trip. 7 razões para incluir Lom, na sua viagem pela Noruega.

Lom is such a lovely town. It’s one of may favorite cities in Norway. Here’s why. Lom (is pronounced Loom) is located in the midst of the highest mountains in Northern Europe. It has only 2347 inhabitants. The city is small and you can park your car and walk downtown. Lom is cut in the […]