My most embarrassing moments as a foreigner in Norway, so far. Meus maiores vexames na Noruega, até hoje.

Yes, due to requests, I’ve decided to open up and tell you my most embarrassing moments since I moved to Norway. Immigrant life is not as easy as many may think. Living abroad means facing difficulties with the new language, the weather, the culture, etc. The list is long. It’s good to laugh though. Enjoy! […]

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The new “normal” life in Norway and Summer 2020. A nova vida “normal” na Noruega e as férias de julho.

We have gone through many changes since the lockdown was implemented in Norway, in March 12th. At first, it was a shock. This invisible enemy made us act weird. I had panic when I needed to do grocery shopping. Then my husband got in charge for such errands. It’s been almost three months and we […]

Você está preparada para o inverno norueguês? Confira minhas dicas pra espantar a tristeza, frio e saudade.

Se você veio do Brasil ou outros países latinos, sabe bem que o inverno aqui na Noruega é bem diferente. Dias curtos, sol tímido, a noite cai a partir das 16.00. Tudo isso pode mexer com nosso corpo, hormônios. Muitas pessoas se sentem tristes, vulneráveis e até mesmo depressivas nessa época do ano. A saudade […]