Spring effect on Norwegians.
You can’t say you know Norwegians if you haven’t spent a whole year with them. In Norway. The reason I say that is because they… Continue a ler »Spring effect on Norwegians.
You can’t say you know Norwegians if you haven’t spent a whole year with them. In Norway. The reason I say that is because they… Continue a ler »Spring effect on Norwegians.
Covid-19 pandemic has changed our lives drastically. These times of insecurity and lack of control affect us all and may bring anxiety, impatience, quarrels and… Continue a ler »How to find our inner balance during quarantine? The importance of ME time.
Norway is a wonderful country that values and makes efforts to guarantee gender equality. Some immigrants who come from chauvinist societies may be surprised or… Continue a ler »International Women’s Day. From an immigrant woman’s point of view.
As a mother who was raised in Brazil, I got confused when my kid started at kindergarten. It was a whole new world for me.… Continue a ler »My Barnehage word book for foreign parents in Norway.