Making friends with Norwegians -part 3. Similarities and key words./ Dicas pra fazer amizade com noruegueses -parte 3. Similaridades e minha lista ninja.

According to studies in psychology from several universities, people seek similarities when making friends. In order to have comfortable social environments, they look for others who look and sound like them. You’ve probably noticed when you were introduced to someone. -Are you from …? OMG me too! I’ve seen groups of friends who speak and […]

Tips for socializing with your neighbors in Norway. Como fazer amizade com os vizinhos noruegueses.

If you want to make friends with Norwegians, you can start with your neighbors. A good relationship with the neighbors is valuable when you live abroad. Few years ago, I got sick and my husband was on a business trip. He called the neighbor next door, who went grocery shopping for me while his wife […]