Home improvement in Norway. My experience on this do-it-yourself. A cultura norueguesa do faça você mesmo. Veja como eu entrei na dança.

“Are we painting the house this weekend”? My husband asked/suggested. I think the question was more when than if. “We’re painting… THE HOUSE”? I was so surprised. I’d been living in Norway for a year. I was getting familiar with the do it yourself culture. Norwegians are used to doing almost everything themselves. Making food, […]

Rjukan: mirrors that brought the sunlight to the city and WWII history. A cidade norueguesa que construiu espelhos pra trazer o sol.

Last year, we visited Rjukan, a city with historical importance from World War II and the extravagant mirrors. It’s much more than a typical cute Norwegian city with a beautiful landscape. Rjukan is located in a deep valley called Vestfjord, in Telemark. The city is surrounded by steep mountains. In the Winter, the sunlight doesn’t […]

The new “normal” life in Norway and Summer 2020. A nova vida “normal” na Noruega e as férias de julho.

We have gone through many changes since the lockdown was implemented in Norway, in March 12th. At first, it was a shock. This invisible enemy made us act weird. I had panic when I needed to do grocery shopping. Then my husband got in charge for such errands. It’s been almost three months and we […]