10 reasons to visit Hunderfossen, the most Norwegian amusement park.

It’s fun, it’s catchy. You just don’t get more Norwegian than that. Hunderfossen Eventyrpark is all you and your family need to enjoy the Norwegian family atmosphere. Imagine a park where you can see and experience Norwegian symbols like the trolls, the king, the anti hero prince, the witch who is an ugly man, the […]

I became Norwegian citizen and this happened.

Five years ago I became officially Norwegian. The ceremony was beautiful. The mayor of a town near Stavanger had a touching speech. I quote an excerpt: “Dere er nå nordmenn. Dere trenger Norge og Norge trenger dere.” Now you are Norwegians. You need Norway and Norway needs you. I felt such a strong sense of […]

Devastating flood leaves 417 cities under water in Brazil and how you can help.

The Southern region in Brazil is now under water. It means 150,000 people lost their homes. I saw a two-month-old baby being rescued by a row boat. You and I have no idea of the dimension of this tragedy. Almost 100 deaths, bridges have fallen apart. The international airport is closed and under water. There’s […]

Public holidays in Norway in May and why we love it

When is the best time to visit Norway? A follower asked me in January. Not in January, I thought of answering. Then I gave it a thought and said. If I have to pick a month, it would be definetely May. Days are brighter and longer. Flowers are blooming everywhere. Big azaleas fill my days […]

Why do Norwegians call January white month?

clear drinking glass

No, it has nothing to do with snow in Winter wonderland. Perhaps you have heard that Scandinavians are heavy drinkers. In general, one in three Norwegians drink alcoholic beverages every week. The rate varies according to the gender. Around 37% of Norwegian men drink alcoholic beverages once or more every week, while 31% of the […]

Aprenda norueguês na prática. Saiba como.

Já pensou em aprender norueguês a partir do português, de forma leve facilitando a memorização, onde você já sai falando a partir da primeira aula? E com uma professora brasileira que mora na Noruega há dez anos? Chegou a hora de você aprender a falar, entender, ler, escrever e se virar na vida real na […]

How do they celebrate Mothers’ Day in Norway?

child with woman holding map

Every year, I get this question from my Brazilian followers. It’s hard not to compare Mothers’ Day in Norway X Brazil when you grew up in such a festive country. If you ask a Norwegian how it’s celebrated, many of them will probably say “I don’t know.” It has nothing to do with how much […]