Let me tell you a secret:
Adapting to a new culture is much easier if you have local people to look up to. These Norwegian women have inspired me in different ways. Here’s my top list for you.
In Sports
Marit Bjørgen. Professional skier. Not only that: a ski machine, as my husband and I used to refer to her each time we watched a stafett (relay, cross-country ski competition). Marit Bjørgen is a great leader with team spirit. Have you seen her legs’ muscles? She motivates me to improve my skiing technique, to get in shape, to stay healthy, to persist when I’m facing live’s challenges. It’s a shame she is now kind of retired.
Tora Berger. Another ski machine. The biathlon queen. Skiskyting. I watched this skiing and shooting competition for the first time when I moved to Norway. What a talent! What a strength! She also inspired me to go beyond my limits. It was an important year, the most difficult one in my life, adapting to a new lifestyle in Norway, new language, weather, social life, everything new.
The Actresses
As an actress myself, I’d love to work with them sometime.
Nina Ellen Ødegård. She is a great actress. Each time I see her on stage, at Rogaland Theater, my eyes are drawn to her no matter how many actors she is playing with. She embodies her characters no matter who they are; drama or comedy. I admit I prefer her on comedies like “Panikk i kulissene”. Though “Secrets of a Marriage” had a huge impact on me. The way she looks sometimes reminds me of Lucille Ball. Nina Ellen Ødegård has just won Stavanger municipality culture award 2021. Congratulations!!
Pia Tjelta. An awesome tv/film/theater actress. She is good in comedy and drama. I really like her role in Lykkeland, about the beginning oil industry in Norway. (Season 2 coming soon. Read about tv shown in Norway here). She is from Stavanger and has a mixed accent/dialect which gives me hope to join the Norwegian film industry as I have a mixed dialect plus foreigner accent. Plus she is an entrepreneur and fashion designer. I love her clothes.
In Politics
Hadia Tajik. She is the vice leader of Arbeidepartiet (the Labor Party in Norway). Her parents came from Pakistan. I have been reading her book and I admire her strength to fight for what she believes (women’s rights, less social differences, inclusion). I like her accuracy and posture when she is interviewed and on debates.
In Royalty
Queen Sonja of Norway. Her majesty is elegant, beautiful and humanitarian. What I have seen from her is a person concerned about other’s well being. She served as vice-president for the Norwegian Red Cross for three years. She has a foundation to raise funds to refugees. She is a fan of music and arts and has held exhibitions and awards.
The closest
My friends. I’m glad to say that I admire all my Norwegian friends. They are so different from one another, yet all are strong and supportive. Their sense of humor makes my day.
The interculturalist Lia, a.k.a Globalbonez, is extremely intelligent and articulated. We had a very elucidative livestream on Instagram on Women’s International Day. On the interview, Lia explained a lot about gender equality (and its flaws) in Norway and The Philippines. You can watch it by clicking here.
Anita is a strong Norwegian woman that loves coffee and is curious about other cultures. She has lived abroad and she was the only guest interested in spending time with me when we first met in Rio. She does so much for her friends and has done so much for me. I admire her laid-back style and her sense of humor.
Mona, my boss, is an extraordinary woman. A great leader recognized for her pioneer work to improve quality and pedagogy at after school activities. She is skilled and fair, with a big heart. She sees my background as a plus. She encourages me to to believe in myself and go further. She brings up the best in me professionally.
Lene Authen. My physiotherapist is gifted. She is amazing in diagnosing and treating. My muscles’ life can be classified as BL/Before Lene and AL/After Lene. You can read more about my treatment here.
What is your list of inspiring women in your country? Would you share it with me?