True Facts about cabins in Norway that nobody tells you.

The idilic dream of you and me and a cabin in the mountains can turn into a real nightmare if you’re not prepared for the unexpected. Beside the weather conditions, there are the unspoken rules that every Norwegian should know, but obviously not all foreigners do. Here’s what nobody warned me before I took my […]

7 reasons why you should include Lom in your Norwegian trip. 7 razões para incluir Lom, na sua viagem pela Noruega.

Lom is such a lovely town. It’s one of may favorite cities in Norway. Here’s why. Lom (is pronounced Loom) is located in the midst of the highest mountains in Northern Europe. It has only 2347 inhabitants. The city is small and you can park your car and walk downtown. Lom is cut in the […]

The day I hiked the Pulpit Rock. Preikestolen was a breakthrough experience for me. O dia em que subi a Pedra do Púlpito foi um divisor de águas pra mim.

Pulpit Rock or Preikestolen is one of the most popular rocks in Norway. It has been crowned one of the most spectacular viewpoints by CNN Go and Lonely Planet. The rock is 640 meters over Lysefjord, a beautiful fjord in Norway’s Southwest coast. People from all over the world come specially in the Summer to […]

Let’s take a walk. Norwegians and the fresh air effect.

It was a rainy day and we stayed inside the school building all afternoon. One of my six-year-old students came to me and said: Jeg må luftes. Meaning: I need to get fresh air. This cover photo was taken by me in a family reunion of my husband’s family. At one point of the gathering, […]

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