How is Corona quarantine affecting our friendships?

Our new home office + home schooling everyday takes time, organization, strategy, emotional intelligence. Some of us try to find time to exercise, cook, clean, wash, date. Is there any time left for our friends? What about those who don’t have children or even a partner? Physical and social distancing can affect our mental health. […]

How Norwegians are using creativity and kindness to face Corona lockdown so far.

National volunteering, or Nasjonal Dugnad is how it’s been called now. Norwegians are very engaged in making this quarantine work so that we can prevent Corona virus from spreading so fast. After the first shock with announcement of the lockdown on March 12th, most citizens are now being positive and creative to make home office […]

Why quarantine due to Corona virus may work in Norway.

Norwegian authorities have been very clear to explain that the biggest issue about Corona virus is not the mortality rates. It’s how fast it spreads. Any hospital can collapse if too many sick people need treatment at the same time. It means shortage of doctors, nurses and equipment. It also means other treatments and surgeries […]

Cool activities for families during Corona virus quarantine.

As Corona virus seems to be now at its peak of spreading here in Norway, many European countries and USA, most of us are advised to stay at home and have no contact with other people. Isolation may lead to sadness and angst. It’s time for empathy and follow the government’s instructions. It’s also time […]

Corona quarantine in Norway from a Brazilian immigrant’s point of view.

Norway has just closed its doors, due to the spreading of Corona virus. It all began with a person who came back from China in the North of Norway. After that many people came from skiing trips to North of Italy. Now it’s coming from people who haven’t traveled. I see the closedown as necessary. […]

Some Norwegian expressions I find funny.

When you have already learned the basic of Norwegian language, you start noticing typical expressions. I’ve picked some of my favorites for you today. Smi mens jernet er varmt. The translation is: bend the iron while it’s hot. The meaning is to seize the opportunity as it may never come back again. It suits well […]

What to do in Winter holidays? Nice tips for those who will spend Vinterferie at home.

Winter holidays in Norway usually take place in January or February. It’s a week when schools are closed and families go to the mountains to ski and enjoy the Winter. Everybody is longing for sun and snow. Even when the weather is terrible, it’s good to have a break from work and relax at the […]

My top 20 Norwegian TV shows.

Watching local tv is a cozy and effective way to improve your Norwegian language skills. Plus we get updated on the the Norwegian society. Be that news, comedy, debates, home improvement, thriller, even reality shows if this is your thing. Add Norwegian subtitles to make it easier to understand while you train your ears. 🙂 […]

What is typical Norwegian? My input about the polemic tv commercial.

Last week a tv commercial of an airline company stated that nothing is typical scandinavian, we brought it all from traveling abroad. The protests were so many and so strong that they had to delete the commercial. I’m sorry to hear that some persons can react so violently against some other point of view. Personally, […]

Cabin culture in Norway. Skal du på hytte?

If you have lived in Norway before Corona, you’ve probably seen dazzling faces on Friday at work, staring at the clock. And children been picked up earlier at school. Also after Corona, the traffic jam towards city exit heading the mountains (or seaside) on Fridays around 4.p.m. It means Norwegians are heading to the cabins. […]

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